Why a Blog?
I’ve always loved sharing my ideas to whoever will listen, especially when it comes to art. A lot of them are horrible or plain goofy, but a couple are worthwhile! This site is a way for me not only to improve my communication and writing skills, but to share my creativity with the world! I hope one day somebody may be inspired by my writing or art and go on to do things greater than I could have ever dreamed of.
Frogs for a Good Cause
Oooh, this was a fun one. I moved to a new school my 7th grade year. What better way to spend the first holiday season than making origami frogs and selling them to fund a shoebox for Samaritan's Purse?
Art Museum Sketching
The visit to the Art Institute of Chicago was a good one. And not because of the art.
I have the sudden urge to get another hamster just thinking about Oreo.
Oreo the hamster came home as my big 12th birthday present. I had done my research, got everything ready early, and was super excited for a furry friend. Oreo was perfect.