Frogs for a Good Cause

Oooh, this was a fun one. 
I moved to a new school my 7th grade year. What better way to spend the first holiday season than making origami frogs and selling them to fund a shoebox for Samaritan's Purse?
If you don't know, these shoeboxes could be the only good gift a kid recieves for the holidays (or even their whole life) in these impoverished communities. 
​Sure, the pricing of the Frogs was more along the lines of "donate whatever you want", but it worked out.
I raised enough money to go to the Dollar Tree as a proud twelve year old and fill a shoebox with toys, a toothbrush, and an origami frog. 
Origami is an art form, and like every art form, it can be used for a cause bigger than ourselves. 

Check out how to make one here:


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