Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

Personally I think this looks incredibly polished, and it's all thanks to the Queen of Cardboard.
Though I have addressed my rant of social media making art daunting and truly stunting creativity at times, it is still the home of everyone's favorite tips and tricks. One such tip is for use with corrugated cardboard.

@realsherrimadison is deemed the "Queen of Cardboard" on Instagram for her prolific use of well... cardboard. And she deserves it. 
From what I've seen of her work, it's nothing short of the best. My favorite tip so far is the simple, yet effective use of the top ply of cardboard being cut and glued to cover the corrugation on crafts like this tree. Without such edging, you would be able to see the corrugation, and therefore spots without green paint, and the whole thing would look a whole lot more amateurish. It's this level of sophistication that I've got to praise the internet for, as it would've taken embarrasingly long for me to think to do it on my own. 


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[Insert Straw Pun Here]